Welcome to the NuMarket Community!
A.K.A. the NuCommunity (sorry, we do that a lot around here)
Hi NuMarket community!
In case you don’t remember us, we’re NuMarket— the small team that helps real food & bev businesses grow with the help of their communities. I’m Isabel from team Nu! Like the rest of the team, i’m food obsessed, community obsessed, and just really excited to get to know you. If you’re wondering how you got here, it’s because you’ve contributed to a campaign to help support a great business, you’re passionate about food and the good people making it, or maybe you are one of those good people. Bottom line is that you’re here because you get it.
You understand how vital the businesses who run NuMarket campaigns are to our communities, and you understand the role that good people like you have in helping them thrive. We’re cranking up this newsletter because we have A LOT to say about helping these businesses do their thing, a lot to say about food, and the food & beverage industry as a whole. Maybe we just have a lot to say…
We hope you stick around for a while because we have people who are much cooler than us lined up to share some really great content. We promise not to spam you (even though I love Spam™) and we promise to bring some fun, thoughtful food + food people focused content to your inbox a couple times a month.
Excited that you’re here,
(Ross + Vithu too)
See what else is cooking 🍳