April Tools: Webinars You Probably Won't Regret Joining
We're hosting webinars you can grab some knowledge from and maybe a new industry friend.
Taking a break from sharing written stories of food businesses, to tell you about some live webinars we’re running soon and more to come. Links to register below:
Popups, Brick & Mortar, and the Paths in Between: NuMarket x Hotplate:
👉 Are you an aspiring food business owner or a current pop-up dreamer? We’re hosting a webinar with Hotplate’s CEO, Rishi, April 2nd at 12pm EST. We’ll share insights, tips, and advice to keep your culinary dream moving. Whether you're looking to buy a food truck, grow a pop-up, or open a restaurant, this webinar is for you. Save your spot now: Register here
How to access $20,000 in restaurant grants w/ Irene Li of Mei Mei
👉 For all Massachusetts-based businesses: We’re sitting down with Irene Li of Mei Mei, who will share how you can access $20,000 in grant funding from the state, April 17th at 1pm EST. Don't miss out on this chance to ask Irene questions and get more growth for your biz. Learn about available workforce training grants, application tips, and how to use those grants for success. Sign up here
More webinar subjects upcoming in April…
Is AI applicable for restaurants, is it real and should I be using it?
How to cut down on recurring costs and increase your bottom line.
Should you have posted that April Fools instagram that you really didn’t want to?