2024 Resolution: More Community… and Beans?
Isabel, head of NuMarket's campaign success and marketing, chats how community and connection are what make the food & beverage industry go 'round (and how it may even help you live to 100).
‘Tis the season for ~*resolutions*~. Some will be kept, and some won’t actually make it to the second week of January 2024. That’s okay, we’re not here to judge. Wellness is a hot topic this time of year as people prioritize their health, but that can mean something different for everyone. In my own personal search of understanding what wellness means to me, I checked out Netflix’s new-ish documentary “Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones.” I was fascinated by these centenarians and the five vastly different places in the world they called home. In the show, Dan Buettner, host and author of the book the series is based on, narrows down all of the things these very happy 100-something year olds were all doing to age so gracefully:
move naturally
have a positive outlook
eat wisely
and the one that spoke to me the most, connect.
Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; Ikaria, Greece; Nicoya, Costa Rica; and Loma Linda, California are the places, called “Blue Zones,” identified to have the most people living past 100 and leading happy, independent, and healthy lives. While a whole lot of walking and eating so many beans is a cornerstone of what helps them achieve this almost super human status, we’re skipping past that to talk about the emphasis these places put on finding community and prioritizing connection. We talk about community a lot at NuMarket. I mean, it’s communities of people, supporters, and regulars like you that have made SO👏 MUCH👏 GOOD 👏 happen for really incredible people and businesses this year. New bakeries, new pizza ovens, new kitchens, new bars, new countertops, new shops have happened because of your belief in these individuals and all they do for your neighborhoods and communities.
The show explores how being connected to community provides a hugely important feeling of purpose and being a part of something bigger. We get it, you get it (we know you do because you’re here), and according to this random documentary I binged in a day, it’s basically a scientifically proven part of being happy, fulfilled, and maybe even 100 years old one day. Whether that’s true or not, we can definitely speak to how much connection means to the food and beverage industry. It’s what it’s all about, right? It’s basically a ongoing cycle of connecting and community:
You show up for and support your favorite businesses 🔁 They provide the food, drinks, community hubs, vibes, and people that make life worth living to 100 for.
So allll of that to say: if you need a resolution to be a little happier and healthier in 2024, maybe lean into the idea of community and connection because according to these Blue Zones, there’s something to it. Find the places, people, and businesses that make you feel like you’re a part of something special and show up for them. This could mean supporting your favorite vendor at the weekly farmer’s market, meeting your book club at your go-to cafe, or maybe even contributing to a NuMarket campaign to help your neighborhood bar remodel their patio. Will doing these things help you live to a hundred? Couldn’t tell ya’, but will all of these pursuits of community help us all feel more connected? Absolutely.
Happy Nu Years friends,
Isabel + Team NuMarket